How to Upload Image to Server Javascript

Paradigm upload functionality using plainly client-side JS and NodeJS


Why is this useful:

What are some of the use-cases:

  • Contour pic update.
  • Image tin can be dragged and dropped into the placeholder and it shows a preview.
  • Some custom validations to restrict users from uploading bigger size images
  • Restrict users from uploading unwanted file-types.
  • Showing mistake bulletin and success message.
  • Using Ajax to do all the heavy-lifting and avoid page reload for uploading the image.
  • Have a simple back-end using express-js to simulate a real earth upload scenario.
  • Articulate the selected file before upload, no reload needed.

Technologies used:

In the front end:

  • HTML5 for the markup
  • JavaScript (ES5) for epitome related functionality
  • jQuery just for the ajax functionality, y'all may use the plain sometime XHR or the contempo ES6's fetch as well. Good matter with a simple approach is that it is very easy to integrate into any framework.
  • Bootstrap 4 for our UI styling. Not mandatory, you may use your own styles equally well.

In the back finish:

  • ExpressJS for the routes handling.
  • NodeJS for saving the file and hosting the server.
  • Bower for the front terminate dependencies like bootstrap and jQuery.
  • Nodemon for continuous watching of file changes and machine-restart of node server.

How to install:

Do a git clone:

          git clone        


          npm install        

Install front-end dependencies:

          bower install        

Run the app:

          npm start        

UI looks like this:

Open the app at localhost:3000…

Front-cease UI:


Notice the label surrounding the input
  • We want to stylize the label to look like a circular section where user tin can drop the image.
  • Nosotros also desire the aforementioned circular section to exist clicked upon and the native file explorer window should pop-up. The characterization's for attribute takes care of this.
  • We demand to hide the normal file input field, because it looks ugly for our purposes and it looks dissimilar in each browser, so for consistency sake, we should hide it.

Custom styling:

To center the grade

The circular thingy..

Why is green always success and cherry-red always error

Front-end JavaScript:

Ooohh yeah, JS…

All the pointers that we need

The parallel thoughts:

  • allow user to drag and drop into the circular section
  • allow user to click on the circular section and select the image
  • allow user to clear the selected image
  • let user to submit the selected image
  • accept to handle drag and drib events to check for file type and size
  • have to change style of the circular department when the paradigm is being dragged

The procedure of dragging:

Preventing the default action…

UI changes while dragging

The hover result

Max file size is 500KB.

Selecting the file manually:

The same functionality for both dragging and selecting manually

Prototype preview inside circular department:

Previewing the epitome

Submitting the image to the back-end:


Back-end JavaScript

What do nosotros use:

  1. NodeJS for certain.
  2. ExpressJS for routing and trunk-parser to parse incoming Ajax requests
  3. Bower for front-cease dependency management
  4. Nodemon — to watch our files and machine-restart Node.

All the imports

What is routing:

Building the back-end:

  • Build our API route to handle the upload scenario.
  • Bring upwardly the server to host the front-end as well as the dorsum-end.
  • Handle the uploaded file by saving it in the "images" folder.

API road for uplading:

The app listens on port 3000 or the PORT variable on the environment.

  • The API URL is specified as the first parameter to the .post method. It is /upload.
  • The second argument is the office that gets called back when this item road is targeted through a mail call.
  • When the office gets executed, the first ii arguments are request object (req) and response object (res) respectively.
  • The request object as usual contains the body object that contains all the information that is being sent from the front-stop.
  • In that body object, we can find the theFile property that contains our base64 encoded string of epitome information.
  • We cheque for that holding'south beingness and become both the encoded string and the championship of the epitome to save it inside the file that nosotros are going to save it as.
  • Then we writ the file to the "images" binder, using the NodeJS's born fs.writeFileSync method.
  • Notice that in this method we are passing the encoding also in the options object. This is to ensure that the file is being written in the proper format.
  • At last, we employ the response object to ship a uncomplicated "UPLOADED" cord to the front-finish to notify that the upload worked fine.

Static loading:

Limiting file-size and encoding incoming requests:

  • We can call the imported bodyParser part with an options object and the master option here is limit which we are setting to 1mb.
  • Likewise, nosotros are converting all incoming request data to JSON format using bodyParser.json method.
  • We are too using the bodyParser.urlencoded method to read the encoded data that sometimes comes through.

The conclusion


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